Political Representatives

About – Political Reps Page

Welcome to NBI’s portal to assist public representatives, their staff, and constituents with queries in relation to the National Broadband Plan for each county. Here you will find a breakdown of our deployment schedule across more than 227 Deployment Areas in all 26 counties across Ireland.

This page also provides answers to the most regularly featured questions from national and local representatives on matters affecting their constituents. If you cannot source the answer to your query using this facility, please email our team at reps@nbi.ie for further assistance.

Connecting Communities – Significant Progress Already Made

Across the project, NBI has already made major achievements providing a degree of momentum and a greater level of assurance that the programme will be delivered within the originally planned 7-year programme.

Premises Designs Complete

560,483 premises
99% complete
560,483 premises

Premises Under Construction/ Constructed

530,956 premises
94% complete
530,956 premises

Premises available for order/pre-order

357,677 premises
63% complete
357,677 premises

Premises Passed

344,819 premises
61% complete
344,819 premises

Premises Connected

119,742 premises
35% complete
119,742 premises

*Progress as of 14.03.25

*Progress as of 28.02.25

Looking to search an individual home or business? We have a dedicated eircode search that will help you see what status that property is at. The eircode search will also give you a timeline for an anticipated date for connection.

Search an Eircode

Explainer Videos

How the rollout works?

What is fibre broadband?

How to get connected?

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Current Status

Customer/ End – User Questions

How was NBI impacted by COVID-19?

NBI’s employees and those of our contractors were exposed to the COVID-19 pandemic just like any other sector. The various waves of the pandemic restricted our ability to deploy crews to the extent we had planned during the initial year of our build programme. The project was also not helped by the fact that places where workers would normally avail of personal hygiene services and rest-stops were closed during the restrictions.

As an example, in January 2022, one contractor had 60% of staff out, either with COVID-19 or in isolation.

NBI is confident that the project can still be delivered within the timeframe agreed with government.


Would wireless broadband be quicker to deploy?

The contract for the National Broadband Plan largely envisages a fixed-fibre service to deliver high-speed connectivity to the over 560,000 premises in the Intervention Area.

The contract allows for 1-2% in the form of ‘alternative technology’ but NBI envisages this will be for premises that are extremely difficult or expensive to reach.

It is the position of the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) that where any ‘alternative’ is considered; it must be able to deliver the same capacity for end-users. A core principle of the NBP is that every citizen should be entitled to expect the same level of service, regardless of location.


What can be done to speed up the rollout?

NBI has a growing sense of confidence in the build pipeline we have created, and it remains our ambition to complete the build programme within the original seven-year agreement. In the latter years of the build programme it may be possible to complete some areas ahead of time, however,to do so would require additional capacity in the Eir Make Ready (EMR) programme, whether undertaken by Eir or by NBI through a fit for purpose self-install product.

If NBI is to accelerate the programme, and do so effectively, there are many moving parts that would all be necessary to move forward together.

To this end, NBI remains in active discussion with eir, the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) and the telecoms regulator, ComReg.

Governance and Subsidy

How much subsidy has been paid to NBI already?

Up to 30th June 2023, NBI had received subsidy totalling €453m.

Building a Limiless Ireland

Humans of NBI – Ciara

JOC Field Trip

Obair BCP

Paul’s Story

Tom’s Story

Lorna’s Story

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