Over 3,800 premises available for order, further 1,500 under construction
National Broadband Ireland (NBI), the company delivering the new future-proofed, high-speed Fibre-to-the-Home network under the National Broadband Plan (NBP) on behalf of the Government, has announced that over 3,808 premises in Ballina and Castlebar are now available to order broadband on the NBI network. A further 1,511 premises in Carrowmorelacken have now begun the construction phase.
In Mayo, there are approximately 37,000 premises in the Intervention Area (IA), which includes homes, farms, commercial businesses and schools. Under the National Broadband Plan, Mayo will see an investment of €145M in the new high speed fibre network. This will enable e-learning, remote monitoring of livestock or equipment, e-health initiatives, better energy efficiency in the home, and facilitate increased levels of remote working.
NBI crews have made substantial progress in Mayo and premises are now live in Ballina and Castlebar where 3,808 premises can join the network.
Having successfully completed the Survey and Design phase of the project, 1,511 premises in Carrowmorelacken are now under construction to have high-speed fibre delivered by September 2023.
The rollout of the National Broadband Plan continues to ramp up as homes and communities begin to be connected in Intervention Areas across the country. NBI contractors have been on the ground across the country for 23 months and over 331,036 premises nationwide have been surveyed to date. This involves physically walking the routes and documenting images, notes and measurements of the poles, cables and underground ducts in each area. These vital survey works enable “Fibre -to-the-Home” network designs to be completed for each of the 554,000 plus premises in the Intervention Area, as identified by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communication (DECC).
As a wholesale network operator, NBI does not sell fibre broadband directly to end users, rather it enables services from a range of broadband providers or Retail Service Providers (RSPs). As a wholesale provider, NBI will make the new Fibre-to-the-Home network available to all RSPs operating in the Intervention Area.
Some 56 RSPs have already signed up to sell services on the NBI network and 43 are certified as ready to start providing connections as of today. To see the retail broadband providers that are currently licensed to sell on the NBI™ network, visit NBI.ie/buy
Peter Hendrick, CEO of National Broadband Ireland, said: “We are delighted to announce that over 3,800 premises in County Mayo can now order or pre-order broadband services through the NBI network. This will enable users to experience the life-changing benefits that high-speed broadband provides. As an increasing number of homes and businesses are being connected, we are confident that the rollout will continue to gather pace as we look to connect thousands more homes and businesses. We are acutely aware that people want access to high-speed broadband and our goal is to deliver that as quickly as possible.”
NBI contractors have been on the ground since January 2020 surveying townlands across the county. This involves physically walking the routes and documenting images, notes and measurements of the poles, cables and underground ducts in each area, and enables design solutions for the provision of the fibre network.
Under the National Broadband Plan, 559,000 premises nationwide are included in the Intervention Area, which was established by the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications to identify areas where commercial operators are not currently providing access to high-speed broadband or do not intend to.
Keep up to Speed!
NBI is encouraging people to check their eligibility and register for updates at www.nbi.ie to receive regular notifications related to their own premises as works progresses in their area.