Top tips to maximise your broadband speed
While the fibre connection and WiFi supplied to you by your provider will be more than capable of delivering speeds of at least 500Mbps, there can be many reasons why your broadband is not achieving full speed over WiFi.

Rutland Island
“I love this Island so much. It was such an important part of my childhood and it’s just amazing I can be able to live here now” – Ian Blake, Rutland Island resident.

The Randall’s
High-speed fibre broadband has opened a world of possibilities. We can work from home, use multiple devices and access live feeds.

How can I order high-speed fibre broadband?
It’s important to note that NBI doesn’t sell fibre broadband directly. Instead, it’s available to purchase from retail broadband providers that are currently licensed to sell on the NBI™ network. To see who these providers are, visit NBI.ie

The Curley’s
“Back in March 2021 our download speed was 1.35Mb and in 2022 our download speed is now 640Mb”.
Rolling out the NBI™ network
The network rollout for the National Broadband Plan is divided up into 227 ‘Deployment Areas’ – known as DAs – up and down the country, taking in every county.
Humans of NBI – Rodrigo
Rodrigo Marra, Quantity Surveying, NBI “When we connect the people we connect to dreams” #NationalBroadbandPlan #BuildingaLimitlessIreland
Imagine the future
Flying cars? Robot teacher? Schools on the moon? Ryan Tubridy one of our judges for the NBI ‘Imagine the Future’ competition for primary schools was out to do a surprise visit to the children at Kilmacanogue National School in #Wicklow. Find out more at www.nbischools.ie
Humans of NBI Jennifer
Jennifer Maguire, Operations Network Planner, NBI. The rollout of high-speed fibre broadband is the largest-ever telecoms infrastructure project undertaken in rural Ireland.
NBI Information Kiosks
The NBI team are travelling around Ireland with our pop up public information kiosks, to provide updates on the NBI™ network progress.
So what is a Deployment Area?
So what is a deployment area? Watch the below video to find out more. Check your eircode at http:
Humans of NBI Jamie
Jamie Horrocks, Business Readiness Lead, NBI The rollout of high-speed fibre broadband is the largest-ever telecoms infrastructure project undertaken in rural Ireland.
Humans of NBI Paddy
Patrick Murphy, Clerk of Works, NBI
Once in a lifetime comes the opportunity to make a lasting mark, to shape the future, to be part of something that will change lives in Ireland
for generations.
Humans of NBI Liam
When Liam heard about the rollout of high-speed fibre broadband to rural Ireland, he knew he had to be part of it. The sheer scale of the project, the
challenges to be faced, the lasting impact it would make to communities around the country … he found it irresistible.
Humans of NBI Ciara
Ciara joined the NBI team because she knew her skills in managing complex quality control issues would prove valuable to this historic project. The rollout of high-speed fibre broadband is the largest-ever telecoms infrastructure project undertaken in rural Ireland.
The first Agri Business connects to the NBI™ network in Cavan
The first farm in Cavan successfully connected by National Broadband Ireland to new high-speed fibre network achieving minimum speeds of 500Mbps.
Obair Broadband Connection Point
In advance of homes and businesses receiving future-proofed broadband direct to their door, the BCPs will provide high-speed broadband to local communities throughout rural Ireland. This is Obair’s story.
High-speed broadband transforms education opportunities at Kilmore National School
A County Cavan primary school has been transformed with “hope and opportunity” according to its principal, after receiving a new high-speed fibre broadband connection.
What is Fibre Broadband?
Fibre broadband is a type of high-speed broadband which is arguably the most reliable and future-proofed connectivity technology in the world today. It uses fibre optic cables from your local broadband exchange right to your home or business.
Building a Limitless Ireland – Paul’s Story
Connectivity is helping abstract artist Paul Galligan reach a whole new audience through the power of high-speed fibre on the NBI™ network.
NBI connects the first premises under the National Broadband Plan
NBI connects the first premises under the National Broadband Plan. National Broadband Ireland (NBI) are delivering the new future-proofed, high-speed Fibre-to-the-Home network under the National Broadband Plan on behalf of the Government.
Acceleration of NBP will deliver connectivity to 679 primary schools by the end of 2022
Seven hundred schools will be connected to broadband by the end of 2022 in an acceleration of the National Broadband Plan (NBP) announced today by the Government and NBI. Under the originally-planned rollout, some schools would have had to wait up to seven years for connection. Now, all schools will be connected within two years.
Connected Communities
Major milestone in the National Broadband Plan as Ministers Humphreys and Ryan launch Broadband Connection Points. Broadband Connection Points (BCPs) are among the first premises to be connected under the National Broadband Plan.
Joint Oireachtas Committee visit National Broadband Ireland.
Members of the Joint Oireachtas Committee for Transport and Communications visited National Broadband Ireland to see the progress to date of the roll-out of high-speed fibre broadband under the National Broadband Plan.
The National Broadband Plan in Co. Wicklow
As the fibre rollout continues in #Kilcoole and #Blessington, the Broadband Connection Points continue to deliver superfast broadband connectivity into the hearts of rural communities in Co. Wicklow.
National Broadband Ireland
National Broadband Ireland (NBI) is building the National Broadband Plan, on behalf of the Irish State.
We believe that better broadband networks promote social progress, equality, and sustainability. With equal access to local, national, and global opportunity, every person, community, and organisation in Ireland will be empowered to achieve more.